Reading The Body Ohashis Book Of Oriental Diagnosis. Filled with diagrams, drawings, and sample diagnoses, this is not only a practical guidebook, but also a fascinating meditation on how to live. The goal of Oriental diagnosis is to find unity of body, mind, and spirit.
Filled with diagrams, drawings, and sample diagnoses, this is not only a practical guidebook, but also a fascinating meditation on how to live. Ohashi has more information to share with you about forehead wrinkles, eye brows, and the face. A fascinating guide to self-awareness and living well through the Oriental techn.
Filled with diagrams, drawings, and sample diagnoses.
Filled with diagrams, drawings, and sample diagnoses, this is not only a practical guidebook, but also a fascinating meditation on how to live.
Ohashi, one of the best-known bodywork and shiatsu experts in the West, was born in Japan. A fascinating guide to self-awareness and living well through the Oriental technique of shiatsu. By using LibraryThing you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.