Reading The Cold War Heats Up. Discuss the title of the novel and how you feel it connects with the story. Read full article.. (The Cold War Heats Up) .
President Woodrow Wilson dispatched troops to Russia in a half-hearted effort to aid the forces fighting the communist government. American casualties were expected to be high in the war against Japan, so Stalin agreed to attack Japan after the collapse of Germany. The most controversial decision regarded the Far East.
The Cold War was a time of political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union following World War II.
If you want to understand how the Truman administration saw the emerging Cold War, Present at the Creation is a must read.
This is the currently selected item. The aftermath of World War Two shifted the global balance of power and created a bi-polar world led by two competing superpowers: The United States (US) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Take the quiz at the end of the.