Reading Story Problem And Solution. Together with school psychologists and intervention specialists, your district can find the problem and suggest a plan of action through an Individualized Education Plan. This activity helps students identify the problem and solution as part of story elements.
You might say that the main problem is her father's lack of provision for his daughter, or her step-mother's inability to care for her, and you could argue that the main solution is something else too; perhaps the intervention of her. Ask the students to brainstorm what the problem is. For each difficulty, I will discuss the symptoms and then list possible solutions.
Why are we learning about problems and solutions?
Using critical thinking, you can find the best solution.
Ask for a volunteer to read the problem aloud, or read it to the group. Through close reading passages, text marking activities,and using story maps, plot paths, problem-and-solution worksheets, and other skill-building activities, students get practice identifying problem and solution in both fiction and nonfiction texts. Real solution to Problem is one of the inspiring stories for kids, rather a small incident that tells about how sharing and helping others solve the major problems.