Reading Strategies A Quick Reference Resource For Helping Students Before During And After Readin. After-text reading provides an excellent. opportunity to expand vocabulary knowledge. After or post-reading strategies provide students a way to summarize, reflect, and question what they have just read.
Students can benefit from instruction in effective elementary strategies in reading. Reading strategies involve intentional mental actions during reading that improve comprehension. Reading strategies and comprehension skills help support students before, during, and after they read.
Students can use the DRA is a strategy that provides students with instructional support before, during, and also after reading.
Help students group their ideas from the columns into broad categories.
You may read a few words of every paragraph, perhaps the always familiarise yourself with the reading material by gaining an overview and/or skimming before reading in detail. Students can benefit from instruction in effective elementary strategies in reading. Active readers use reading strategies to help save time and cover a lot of ground. do not actually read the text in total.